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Salient Features

Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School Trivandrum Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School Trivandrum Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School Trivandrum
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumThe school stands for excellence in academic and co-curricular activities of the students.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumIt is a community of students and teachers who live in an atmosphere of a family, loving and respecting each other.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumIt has professionally competent and morally upright teachers, who are committed to their lofty vocation of forming the future citizens of our country as per our objectives.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumIts curricular and co-curricular activities take place in accordance with well defined principles and policies spelt out in a carefully prepared plan of action.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumIt provides enrichment programmes to the high achievers, special coaching to the promising students, remedial coaching to the weak students and counselling facilities to all the students.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumThe school does not allow outside tuition for the students as it deprives them of their learning time and their learning ability and confines them to spoon feeding.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumThere are various programmes in the school to help the students develop their creative and aesthetic talents along with their academic growth.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumThe school is committed to the goal of promoting international outreach and celebrating through curricular and extra curricular means by expanding its reach and establishing network with schools and institutions outside the Country for mutual exchange of ideas among students and teachers of respective Countries.
  • Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School TrivandrumAll relationships in the school are characterised by love, justice, truth, partnership and mutual respect. The integrated development of every student is the concern of all.